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All the ways to heat your wax strips so the wax actually sticks to your hairs


  1. Put them in the microwave.

  2. Wrap them in a wheat bag that you’ve microwaved.

  3. Fold the strips into a towel and press them with a hot iron.

  4. Keep them under a bowl of boiling water.

  5. Lower them into the toaster.

  6. Hold them up in a thunderstorm until they get struck by lightning.

  7. Take them to a dragon’s lair and ask her to burp.

  8. Rest them on the deck in the sun.

  9. Or better yet, take a rocket ship to space and hold them up to the sun.

  10. Take a submarine into a volcano and hold them to the earth’s core.

  11. Sail a boat in the volcano’s stream of eruption and hold them to the lava.

  12. If you’ve got a gas stove, hold them over your gas stove.

  13. If you’ve got a fireplace, throw them in with the kindling. Forget about them until they melt away.

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Grapeshot acknowledges the traditional owners of the Wallumattagal land that we produce and distribute the magazine on, both past and present. It is through their traditional practices and ongoing support and nourishment of the land that we are able to operate. 

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