baby dracula, your mother’s womb is hollow. you spawn in utero out of godly lust — mother fashions herself saint mary. only an evil god could’ve thrust this child into her. baby dracula, you are gluttonous and unkind, with your unforgiving and abnormal canine teeth, you are a beast ravished by the flesh of your prey. baby dracula, you do not think rational thought, for your thoughts are that of your mother’s, who only ruminates on hunger and violence. violence that has been done unto her — which she shall commit unto you, unless you sink your teeth in first. baby dracula, you cannot control your nature. you are infant terror. you are infant death. an undead, unborn, freak of nature, you are. you are born amongst the living from an open wound that bleeds a visceral agony and tears to unfurl passage to your evil head. baby dracula, you breathe amongst the living like a gory gift from heaven with your shrieking cry as they sever you from umbilical hunger.
baby dracula, it is your mother’s womb who has made you this way. you are too hungry. you are too brutal. your pink gums grow irregular teeth, they are misplaced and premature. everything about you protests to nature. baby dracula, you are bloodthirsty and ravenous incarnate — you suck unrelentingly on mother's bosom. sweet milk turns to bitter blood; baby dracula, you are a natural born monster.