• i don’t think its stupid I actually love that miniskirt.
its like a sarong but you swim in it too? nah not stupid
people wont look at you 0
besides its on sale so just get it i might too 0
— sent the skirt to Rob and he says its sexxxyyy so im gonna buy
— i was thinking we all have a shopping date soon actually we cn go have lunch and yeh its 2 for
$50 so we can split it instead and save the $5 for lunch
whattt he never likes ur style though 0
ok good because lowkey i actually cant afford groceries lol not with this rent 0
broke and hungry gal 0
> yea I need a new dress for summer and also a bikini. but that skirts fine not stupid
> i would get it but it wont look good on my skin colour
> you guys will look so sluttttyyy sexxxyyy slay in yours people will be staring at your arse if any
• when r we shopping because ive been working overtime so have $$$ MULA;
• also need to get a new crop bc i lost my old one i wear like every day
— tues?
> ok
0 sounds good
— YAY so happy we needed to get together soon